Meditation – “Want to keep Christ in Christmas? Feed
the hungry, clothe the naked, forgive the guilty,
welcome the unwanted, care for the ill, love your
enemies, and do unto others as you would have done
unto you.” — Steve Maraboli
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Third Week in Advent – Love – The Donelsons
Hymn – Amazing Love - 168
Children’s Message
Scripture – 1 John 2:7-11
Hymn – Silent Night - 206
Sermon – Why doesn’t Christmas feel the same?
Kyle Parker
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – O Holy Night - 194
Kindness Matters! We encourage you to show your
thankfulness to someone! Write a note, send a card, or give a
call and pray for that person. Let them know you appreciate
them and are praying for them.
If you contribute items for the food pantry, please drop off any
non-perishable foods on the table in the fellowship hall.
Today is the last day to contribute to our Christmas gift card
collection. Contributions may be made directly to the
Treasurer with Christmas gifts listed on the memo of your
check or given to Tom.
There is a box in the vestibule for Christmas Cards, if you wish
to give them to those in church. If you wish, put what you
would have spent on postage in the box as well and it will be
added to the Christmas Gift card collection.
Shiloh’s Christmas Cantata performance is this afternoon @
AWANA Christmas Potluck Dinner – December 20, 5:30-7:30.
All are invited. Let Yvonne know what you plan to bring.
Committees are reminded to start preparing for the end of the
year, with reports and budgets. The Finance and Nominating
committees will each be meeting soon. Please help make their
jobs easier by getting your requests to the Finance committee
early or by volunteering for a position.
The SDB General Conference will be hosting the 2024 Winter
Virtual Delegate Forum on Sunday January 7 at 2pm via Zoom.
Registration is required. The registration link and other
information is available at
The Seventh Day Baptist Week of Prayer, sponsored by the SDB
World Federation, will be observed January 7-13th. This year’s
theme is “You, Then, You Will Pray Like This”. Booklets, written
by Pastor Helmer Umana of the SDB Christian Church in Silver
Spring MD, with meditations for each day are in the vestibule.