Meditation – “Jesus, my great High Priest, offered his
blood and died; My guilty conscience seeks no sacrifice
beside. His pow’rful blood did once atone, and now it
pleads before the throne. - Isaac Watts
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Third Week in Advent – Joy – The Bonds
Hymn – Good Christian Men, Rejoice - 183
Children’s Message
Scripture – Hebrews 4:14-16
Praise Time - O Come, All Ye Faithful
Unspeakable Joy
Sermon – He is Able
Pastor Jamie Bagley
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – Go, Tell it on the Mountain - 182
Kindness Matters! We encourage you to show your
thankfulness to someone! Write a note, send a card, or give a
call and pray for that person. Let them know you appreciate
them and are praying for them.
If you contribute items for the food pantry, please drop off any
non-perishable foods on the table in the fellowship hall.
Happy December birthdays to Hannah Donelson, Hayley
Donelson, Scott Cruzan and Seth Greene. Please continue to
pray for our youth and young adults.
The Ladies Benevolent Society of the Shiloh Church is hosting a
Christmas Tea on December 13 at 6:15-8:30pm. Please RSVP
to Ruthann Davis by TODAY. See the flyer for information.
Breakfast is coming December 16. Please bring a breakfast
dish to share. Fruit and drinks will be provided.
Shiloh’s Christmas Cantata performance will be Sabbath
December 16 @ 4:30pm.
We are collecting for Christmas gift cards again this year. The
deadline for making contributions is December 16.
Contributions may be made directly to the Treasurer with
Christmas gifts listed on the memo of your check or given to
There is a box in the vestibule for Christmas Cards, if you wish
to give them to those in church. If you wish, put what you
would have spent on postage in the box as well and it will be
added to the Christmas Gift card collection.
AWANA Christmas Potluck Dinner – December 20, 5:30-7:30.
All are invited. Let Yvonne know what you plan to bring.
The Music & Worship Committee would like to celebrate
Christmas with some special music on December 23rd. If you
are interested in participating, please see Lora.
Committees are reminded to start preparing for the end of the
year, with reports and budgets. The Finance and Nominating
committees will each be meeting soon. Please help make their
jobs easier by getting your requests to the Finance committee
early or by volunteering for a position.
The SDB General Conference will be hosting the 2024 Winter
Virtual Delegate Forum on Sunday January 7 at 2pm via Zoom.
Registration is required. The registration link and other
information is available at