Meditation – “The temptation once yielded to gains power. The crack in the embankment which lets a drop or two ooze through is soon a hole which lets
out a flood.” – Alexander MacLaren
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Singing Favorite Hymns
Children’s Message
Scripture – James 1:9-18
Message – Rich, Tempted or Gifted?
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – Standing on the Promises – 339
Welcome to each of you as we worship together today.
As a reminder, our services are live-streamed and are also recorded and available on-line.
We will have a covered dish luncheon today, February 1. Please bring a dish and dessert to share. If you didn’t bring anything, that’s ok. Stay anyway and enjoy!
Men are invited to a Bible study time on Monday evenings, 6:30pm at Tom’s house. Next study February 3.
Women are invited to a Bible study time on Tuesday evenings, 7:00pm at Joanne’s house. Next session is February 4.
Upcoming Events:
2/1: Fellowship Lunch
2/3: Men’s Bible Study – 6:30pm @ Tom’s
2/4: Women’s Bible Study – 7:00pm @ Joanne’s
2:5 AWANA – 5:45pm
2/6: Youth Fellowship – 6-9pm
2/9: YF Sub Sale – 3-5pm
2/15: Church Social – 6pm
The YF is sponsoring a sub sale on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9, 3-5pm. 12in sub for $11. See any YF member or Kim for tickets.
Our next Church Social will be February 15, 6pm.
You are invited to be part of an Easter Cantata Choir. Shiloh is presenting “Alleluia” by Bill and Gloria Gaither on Sabbath April 12, 4:30pm. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 7-8pm and Fridays, 7:35-8:30pm. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Don or Charlotte at 609-364-3021.
West District Basketball is making a return this year, for one night only, February 8, from 6-9pm at the CRHS gym. There will be pickup basketball for youth grades 6-12 in the main gym with volleyball for all ages in the aux gym. Contact Bill Probasco if you have any questions.