Meditation – “Our problem with sex doesn’t begin with
lust, with bad choices, or with sexual misbehavior. Our
problem with sex begins when we forget that God must
be at the center of this part of our lives as he must be
with any other.” – Paul Tripp
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Singing Favorite Hymns
Children’s Message
Scripture – 1 Corinthians 6:9-20
Hymn – As with Gladness Men of Old - 193
Sermon – Uncomfortable Topic # 1 - Sex
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – Break Thou the Bread of Life – 407
Sharing Communion Together
If you contribute items for the food pantry, please drop off any
non-perishable foods on the table in the fellowship hall.
The group that was meeting Monday nights has completed
their journey through the Bible in a year and will no longer be
meeting. If you are interested in beginning a new journey or a
different study, please see Tom.
The SDB General Conference will be hosting the 2024 Winter
Virtual Delegate Forum tomorrow, Sunday January 7, at 2pm
via Zoom. Registration is required. The registration link and
other information is available at
Committee chairs are asked to submit their 4th quarter and
Annual reports to the Clerk, if you haven’t done so already.
The Annual Business meeting will be held Sunday January 14th
at 9am.
The Seventh Day Baptist Week of Prayer, sponsored by the SDB
World Federation, will be observed January 7-13th. This year’s
theme is “You, Then, You Will Pray Like This”. Booklets, written
by Pastor Helmer Umana of the SDB Christian Church in Silver
Spring MD, with meditations for each day are in the vestibule.
The YF is having a sub sale to support their summer camping
trip on Super Bowl Sunday, February 11th from 3-5pm. $10 for
a 12in American Sub with lettuce & tomato. Onions & sweet or
hot peppers on the side. See any of the YF youth for tickets.