Meditation – “If and when a horror turns up you will then be given Grace to help you. I don’t think one is usually given it in advance. ‘Give us our daily bread’ (not an annuity for life) applies to spiritual gifts too; the little daily support for the daily trial. Life has to
be taken day by day and hour by hour.” – C.S. Lewis
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Hymn – Sweet, Sweet Spirit – 328
Children’s Message
Scripture – I Corinthians 12:1-11
Hymn – Breathe on Me, Breath of God – 334
Sermon – Different Gifts, Same Spirit
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – Agnus Dei – 54
Food Pantry Update: We are using up our supply of hearty canned soups, canned fruit, and pasta sauce. If you see any of them on sale, please pick up a few extra cans and
donate them to the pantry. Donation items can be left on the shelf in the coat closet in the Fellowship Hall or given to Joanna. Thank you!
Thank you to all who donated to Cornerstone Women’s Resource Center! If you still have a bottle, please let Yvonne know and make arrangements to return it. Also,
keep in mind that they just opened a thrift store across from Niblock’s in Quinton! They are accepting donations to resell.
Committee Chairs: Please send your reports to the Clerk by Sunday, July 7th. Send to
Fellowship Breakfast – July 13 @ 8:30am. Continental breakfast of pastries, fruit, yogurt, etc. provided. Just show up to eat and fellowship.
Upcoming Events:
6/30-7-7: Intermediate Camp @ Jersey Oaks
7/6: Communion
7/7 Christian Ed Committee – 9am
7/8-7/13: Primary Camp @ Jersey Oaks
7/13: Fellowship Breakfast
7/14: 2nd Quarter Business Meeting
7/14-7/21: Senior Camp
7/22-7/29: General Conference @ WV Weslyan
8/5-8/9: Vacation Bible School – 5pm-8:30pm
During our recent discussion time, there were a number of ideas and topics shared and discussed. It was agreed that we would, as a church, consider and study one of those
topics, Biblical Leadership, in more depth. Ryan has compiled a list of scriptures and resources for us to review. Please contact him ( with any
references you think should be added to this list. A study will be scheduled during the summer. Stay tuned for details. In the meantime, continue to pray for God’s
leadership of our church as we seek His will for us.