Meditation – “Do not then spend the strength of your zeal for your religion in censuring others. The man that is most busy in censuring others is always least employed in examining himself.” - Thomas Lye
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Hymn – Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus - 413
Children’s Message
Scripture – I Corinthians 11:17-33
Hymn – We Will Glorify - 22
Sermon – Time to Eat
Praying for and with each other
Praising God Together - In Jesus Name, Battle Belongs, Shout to the Lord
Cornerstone Baby Bottle Boomerang and collection continues through next weekend. Check with Yvonne for a list of current needs for their closet. You can support them
with a financial donation too in the baby bottles.
Small group meets at Chris and Joanna’s, tonight from 6-8pm. Please bring a snack to share.
Decorating for VBS starts tomorrow, June 9 at 10am, and continues each Sunday until Holly says we are ready. See Holly for details.
Next Sabbath, June 15, we will have a luncheon to honor our graduates, Elias Adams and Erin Bond. It will be a sandwich bar. Everything will be provided.
You are needed to help train our SCSC students this month.
There are three ways you can help:
1. Attend a multi-generational worship and campfire evening on June 16 at 7:15 p.m. All are welcome.
2. Elementary- age children are welcome on June 18 at 7:15 p.m. for worship and games.
3. See Lora if you would like to provide snacks for Training.
Upcoming Events:
6/8 Small Group @ Chris & Joanna’s 6-8pm
6/15 Fellowship Luncheon to honor Graduates
6/24-6/27 YF Camping Trip
6/30-7-7: Intermediate Camp @ Jersey Oaks
7/7 Christian Ed Committee – 9am
7/8-7/13: Primary Camp @ Jersey Oaks
7/14: 2nd Quarter Business Meeting
7/14-7/21: Senior Camp
7/22-7/29: General Conference @ WV Weslyan
During our recent discussion time, there were a number of ideas and topics shared and discussed. It was agreed that we would, as a church, consider and study one of those
topics, Biblical Leadership, in more depth. Ryan will be compiling a list of scriptures and resources for us to review. Please contact him ( with any
references you think should be included on this list. A study will be scheduled during the summer. Stay tuned for details. In the meantime, continue to pray for God’s
leadership of our church as we seek His will for us.