Meditation – “We were never created to settle for mere
religion. Jesus did not die so that we could have a religious
belief system - but rather a life-giving relationship with our
Father.” – Christine Caine
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Hymn – God of Grace and God of Glory - 115
Children’s Message
Missions Presentation – Lora Sweeney
Offering for Covenant of Grace Church
Scripture – I Corinthians 11:17-34
Hymn – In Moments Like These - 451
Sermon – Union in Communion
Kyle Parker
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – Jesus at Your Holy Table – 400
We will be taking a special collection today, March 16, to
support the Heating & AC project at the Covenant of Grace
Church in Kentucky.
The Music & Worship Committee is planning to celebrate
Jesus’ resurrection with some skits on March 30! All ages
are welcome to participate, see Lora. There will be one
rehearsal after Sabbath school today, March 16.
The Advisory Committee will meet Sunday March 17 at 7pm
with a Diaconate meeting to follow.
Kindness Matters - Treat someone to coffee or tea! Ask how
you can pray for them and say a quick prayer right then with
The Outreach Committee is seeking donations for Ranch
Hope. Throughout March, we will be collecting toiletry
items. Shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes,
deodorant, and paper towels. No razors.
Joint Communion will be celebrated here at Marlboro on
Sabbath April 6. There will also be a fellowship breakfast
that morning at 8:30. Juice, fruit, and eggs will be provided.
Please bring a dish to share.