Meditation – “There is nothing more foolish than an act of wickedness; there is no wisdom equal to that of obeying God.” – Albert Barnes
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Hymn – Holy Bible, Book Divine - 345
Children’s Message
Scripture – Proverbs 26:1-21, Matthew 7:6
Hymn – Open My Eyes - 443
Sermon – Not Fit for a Fool
Pastor Aleks Saar
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – We Shall Behold Him - 292
The Outreach Committee is seeking donations for Ranch Hope. Throughout March, we will be collecting toiletry items. Shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes,
deodorant, and paper towels. No razors.
Small Group will be meeting at Chris & Joanna’s, tonight, March 9 from 6-8pm. Bring a snack or dessert to share.
We will be taking a special collection next week, March 16, to support the heating & AC project at the Covenant of Grace Church in Kentucky.
The Advisory Committee will meet Sunday March 17 at 7pm with a Diaconate meeting to follow.
The Music & Worship Committee is planning to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with some skits on March 30! All ages are welcome to participate, see Lora. There will be one
rehearsal after Sabbath school on March 16.
Kindness Matters - Treat someone to coffee or tea! Ask how you can pray for them and say a quick prayer right then with them.
Happy March Birthdays to our youth and young adults! Remember to pray for them.