Meditation – “There is no failure in God’s will, and no success outside of God’s will.” George W Truett
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Praising God Together –
Holy Spirit
Battle Belongs
Build My Life
Children’s Message
Scripture –
Hymn – Speak to My Heart – 428
Sermon –
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – Freely, Freely – 627
Cornerstone Baby Bottle Boomerang and collection continues through mid-June! Keep your eye out for a list of current needs for their closet. You can support them with a
financial donation too in the baby bottles.
VBS Staff meeting on Sunday May 26 @ 1pm. All who are involved with VBS should attend.
Gone Fishin’ – Fishing and Dinner at Jersey Oaks Camp on June 1 from 5-8pm. Invite a friend or neighbor!
You are needed to help train our SCSC students this June. There are three ways you can help:
1. Attend a multi-generational worship and campfire evening on June 16 at 7:15 p.m. All are welcome.
2. Elementary- age children are welcome on June 18 at 7:15 p.m. for worship and games.
3. See Lora if you would like to provide snacks for Training.
Upcoming Events:
5/25: Fellowship Dinner followed by Church Discussion
6/1: Gone Fishin’ @ Jersey Oaks Camp 5-8pm
6/8 Small Group @ Chris & Joanna’s 6-8pm
6/30-7-7: Intermediate Camp @ Jersey Oaks
7/8-7/13: Primary Camp @ Jersey Oaks
7/14: 2nd Quarter Business Meeting
7/14-7/21: Senior Camp
7/22-7/29: General Conference @ WV Weslyan
Today is the culmination of our 40 days of praying for the future of the Marlboro SDB Church – a fellowship lunch followed by a discussion time. Everyone is invited and
encouraged to stay and join us for lunch and the discussion, whether you are a member here or not. The fellowship lunch will be covered dish with desserts provided. It will be followed by a time of prayer and sharing. A nursery will be provided so everyone is able to attend if they want to.