Meditation – “Jesus had little trouble reaching the
harlots, the thieves, robbers, criminals, outcasts and
sinners of society…but He had an almost impossible
time reaching the religious, self-righteous, moral
people…They recognized no sin, so they needed no
Savior.” – John MacArthur
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Hymn – O Worship the King - 24
Children’s Message
Scripture – I Corinthians 5
Praise Time – I Will Enter His Gates
Worthy is the Lamb
Make Room
Sermon – An Uncomfortable Chapter – Part 1
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – Amazing Love - 168
Kindness Matters! We encourage you to show your
thankfulness to someone! Write a note, send a card, or give a
call and pray for that person. Let them know you appreciate
them and are praying for them.
If you are able to contribute items for the food pantry, please
drop off any non-perishable foods on the table in the
fellowship hall.
Happy November Birthday! to Caleb Cruzan. Please continue
to pray for our youth and young adults.
The Advisory Committee will meet Sunday November 19, at
6:30pm, followed by a meeting of the Diaconate.
Don’t forget our Fellowship Meal next Sabbath November 18, a
Soup Luncheon. Please see the sheet in the vestibule to sign
up for a soup or a dessert.
Following the meal, there will be a Baby Shower for Bethany &
RJ @ 1pm. All are invited. Check out their registry:
Come Ye Thankful People, Come, as we Gather Together to
Count Our Blessings at a Thanksgiving Eve Service, Wednesday,
November 22 at 7pm at the Shiloh SDB Church.
The Ladies Benevolent Society of the Shiloh Church is hosting a
Christmas Tea on December 13 at 6:15pm. More details to
We are collecting for Christmas gift cards again this year. The
deadline for making contributions is December 16 with a
special collection being taken on November 25. Contributions
may be made directly to the Treasurer with Christmas gifts
listed on the memo of your check or given to Tom.
The Music & Worship Committee would like to celebrate
Christmas with some special music on December 23rd. If you
are interested in participating, please see Lora.