Meditation – “If we think of the Holy Spirit only as an impersonal power or influence, then our thought will constantly be, how can I get hold of and use the Holy Spirit; but if we think of Him in the biblical way as a divine Person, infinitely wise, infinitely holy, infinitely tender, then our thought will constantly be, 'How can the Holy Spirit get hold of and use me?’” – R A Torrey
Call to Worship
Preparing for Worship
Children’s Message
Evangelism Encouragement – Pastor Bob
Hymn – Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart - 331
Scripture – Rev 3:14-22
Message – What would Jesus say?
Praying for and with each other
Hymn – There’s Something About That Name - 317
Coming September 21 - Italian Luncheon. Meal will be
provided. Please bring a dessert to share.
Upcoming Events:
9/17: Advisory 6:30pm followed by Diaconate
9/18: AWANA begins! 5:45pm
9/21: Fellowship Lunch
9/25: AWANA 5:45pm
9/26: Women’s Bible Study – 7pm - @ Joanne’s
9/28: Horseshoe & Cornhole Picnic – 3pm
10/12: Joint Communion @ Shiloh – 9:30am, followed by fellowship lunch.
Women are invited to a study of the book of Ephesians. We will have an introduction on September 26 at 7 PM at the home of Joanne Davis. See Lora or Joanne for more
The Seventh Day Baptist Scripture Memorization program for 2024-2024 is now underway. Passages were selected based on the theme “Shouldn’t it be Obvious?” Flyers are available on the bulletin boards, if you are interested in participating.
The Philadelphia SDB Church invites you to their Fall Fundraising Concert on October 26 @ 4pm. See flyer in the vestibule for details.