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  • Writer's picturemarlborosdb

Special Collection for Kentucky Church

We will be taking a special collection on March 16, 2024 to support the heating & AC project at the Covenant of Grace Church in Kentucky. If you wish to donate to them for this special collection and are unable to be at Marlboro in-person that day, please make note in the memo of your donation so that monies will be allocated correctly.

The following information regarding the fundraising campaign is from the Covenant of Grace Church:

In 2023 God blessed our church plant with a building to worship in. The building was an old grocery store and restaurant that served the community for many years. When the building came up for sale we prayed and sought council as to whether or not we should purchase the building for our church. While our financial situation was not ideal we wanted a centralized place for worship where we can be a light to the community and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. With prayer and council we stepped out in faith and purchased the building. The initial $22,000.00 down payment secured the building for us but took away any potential funds for renovation. With the help of some donations we have been able to complete some structural work and have enough funds to get one bathroom ready. While we have many additional needs including funds for much needed sanctuary carpet, additional bathroom repair, electrical and plumbing work for a kitchen, this campaign is primarily for heating and cooling. Currently the building has no source of heat or a/c. The building is installed on a concrete slab with no attic space. This requires us to install mini split systems. The building will require a total of 6 mini splits. Four 12,000 BTU units in the sanctuary and two 12,000 BTU units in the rear portion of the building which includes the bathroom, fellowship area and kitchen. This is one of our larger expenses. Based on estimations the mini split systems with wiring and electrical will cost somewhere around $6,000.00-$6,500.00. If this large purchase can be made this will help get our church into the building and open the building up to the community. Thank you for your prayerful consideration, may the Lord bless you. 


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